Especially when they could use a little work. Still, as we work on plans of plastering our old schools with boycott posters, there seems to be a little bit of hope for me. In this brief entry, I'm just covering what's going on plan-wise. I've got a few businesses to personally see about poster-hanging and any chance at participation. Any place you visit semi-regularly is a place to start, for anyone thinking of doing the same. With a mentally taxing past few days, I'm almost lost for words. (How could that ever happen? Even I don't know.) Still, with the encroaching new year, I've got some resolutions to work on, including more posting. It'll start. Oh yes, it will.
     As a resolution for anyone else, well, there are a lot of options, aren't there? Even though I'm sure many with chaotic lives have long lists involving a few repeats, and some of the more peacefully minded still have their plates full, it can't hurt to tack on a little P.S. about the boycott. Whether it's to be stricter with your product consumption, to hang that poster you've been meaning to, or to finally send that e-mail to your aunt or uncle, there's always a first step to take (and sometimes a long-delayed third). For me, this is something I take seriously because I've been able to learn a lot about many aspects of life through the discipline and thought necessary so far. I recommend it for any timid (or brave) soul in need of learning and inspiration.
    Activism and consumer-revelation revolution business aside, all have my wishes for a healthy, hopeful, healing new year. Let's make it one full of inspiration and errors born of trials, with bandages for every painfully scraped knee. From here in Portland, I hope everyone has a great time. If any unfortunate has hard nights like I've had, do something silly like read this again and know that I'd be more than willing to give you a big hug (or a pat on the back if you're not a huggy type of person).
- Josie (that One Teen)

Anthony Walsh
2/5/2011 04:41:15 pm

thats alot of writing. I love what your doing with this. And I'd love to be more active in it. I've posted flyers everywhere. And sent emails with links to this site to close to 50 friends of mine at different schools telling them to spread the word and help out. If there's anything else I can do just tell me. :)

5/30/2012 04:15:16 am

THX for info


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