Every couple of days since school started, I've been approached by a member of my high-school staff concerning the boycott. It's circled around because during ice-breakers in a few classes at the beginning of the year, the boycott came up and some of my teachers checked it out. I also e-mailed a few that my friends said would really appreciate the idea. However, it quickly spread around the school and because I don't identify myself by name anywhere on the page, it was still widely unknown that I was a LEP student.
     Knowing that this has been used in discussions during classes at my school, which it has been, is great. What's also great is seeing how many countries we have members in on the facebook page. However, of many of these countries we only have one or two. As I posted on the last status, I'm wondering if in the discussions tab we should set up a friendly competition. Obviously the disadvantage would be a general language barrier between English and non-English speaking countries. Luckily, I've got a solution.
     I'm going to draft a basic, one-page(ish) summary of the boycott including reasons for it, how to do it, etc. Then, hopefully with the help of people who could better translate than I (although I'm careful, speaking two languages myself I know that to do it right I have to do it the long, hard way instead of a translator) and then post it on a page so that there are various languages catered to.
     I'd love to translate the whole site, but being just me and having only a semi-solid grasp on either language I can communicate in (haha? Maybe. Or maybe it's just sad.), I don't have the time or ability. However, this will be coming ASAP regardless of whether or not people like the idea of a friendly competition (I repeat friendly because that's absolutely what it would have to be. But I know you guys are better than anything else). It's simply something I thought would be fun, but I do need to get right on the whole catering to other languages thing quickly and I shall.
7/15/2012 09:27:56 am

is shortly


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