Why, I've been so busy rustling up purple outfits for these days of spirit and keeping up with presentations in Leadership class that I haven't had time to post any updates. If you've been following the facebook feed, you'll know that we've had the first of our new posters uploaded to the website! However, our big new headline may be one you've already noticed. There's a new tab in town, and it's here to stay.
     One of the perks to being busy with school is befriending my peers who speak other languages. Thanks to my friend Alessandro, an exchange student hailing from Italy (who is crazy awesome), I have the first translation page posted. All part of my plot to take over the world, naturally.
     Another thing I'm making a big deal about is the boycott's group on Freerice. Join and play for us! We want to get as high on the leader-boards as we can. The group can be found here: http://www.freerice.com/content-group/coca-cola-boycotters
     We've seen a stir of activity that's threatening to just persist, which is excellent. Look forward to a more in-depth update and more sarcastic/melodramatic comments when I don't have to get up extra early the next day. To all a good night!
9/25/2012 05:34:37 am

Nice one info, thanks


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